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I should have known
that an ep with such
horrible cover art
would prove to be great.
of course.
all jokes aside,
this is yet another
amazing Cloudberry
that label is so consistently
awesome, it makes me rethink
my disgust with the trash swamp
that is florida.
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so good.
i love that they
intentionally excluded
tracks 1-3, which represent an early demo
that they don't like anymore.
keep an eye out for a
new full length.
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i am a sucker
for vibraphones.
what a sweet little ep.
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sorry shmat.
rest assured,
you will not see any traffic
spikes. i am not going
to heed your request and
host the release myself.
at least not right now.
it is four in the morning
for crying out loud.
good for them,
two friends making
lofi melancholic
bedroom pop.
and their website is adorable.
and the ep is fantastic.
and free.
Download It

i hate bongos.
really, any hand drums
are the worst.
however,this album is still great,
dark and sad,
despite one song's use of
those monstrosities.
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i am sooo glad your
horrible friend is
from russia, because
she nearly made me
hate the entire culture,
including the 1/3 of
my own blood.
helps me forget
how cruel you were.
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i cant stop.
this japanese one man
shoegaze phenomenon
is kickin out the jams
i am closing my eyes.
i am so scared.
this ep provides a lush
landscape in which i can hide.
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pardon the gazillion posts today.
i am organizing my music and
naturally remembering things
that i should have shared.
zxyzxy is an amazingly
talented post-rock/idm artist.
releases are available for free
on his website
and i highly recommend
downloading them.
I am always wary of
artists described as
a term which recalls
classically terrible bands
like creed.however,
polish "alternative" outfit
Hatifnats is more on the
shoegaze side of things and
certainly the
"does not suck" side as well.
thank god.
the last thing i want to hear
is a shoegaze creed.
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Mehdi Ameziane is
fantastically talented.
what a dream.
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beautiful, melancholic
lofi bedroom pop;
this polish trio
is absolutely fantastic.
i am going to go wash my car
for the first time,
but i would rather
sit with you and read.
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do not worry,
everything is working again,
at least for the moment,
at least the important stuff
How can i be expected
to navigate this world
without a tour guide?
Come on.
as i often do,
i had decided that i would post this
when listening to it driving.
However, unlike my typical behavior,
i am actually posting it.
i needed to let the world know
that i had gotten things back in order
and this seemed like an appropriate album
to accompany such great news.
just look at that orange
sweater wearing, pasty,
pog playing putty
on the cover.
he definitely loves pogs.
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i cant live without
i am having so many tech
related issues these days.
what am i going to do?
probably get a sore neck
from leaning in shock
for hours on end.
this ep is great.
whatever right?
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hey hey hey
oh oh oh
kay kay kay
the sky today is amazingly
blue right?
i have so many plans
it is overwhelming.
i think i would rather
stay in my room
and play galaga.
but my mother says
getting out will
be good for me.
this album is fantastic.
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let us keep it poppy i guess.
this album rules.
it is certainly more mellow
than my previous post today,
but still loaded with
off key melodies.
who cares about
shimmering production anyways?
ill tell you who:
loser jerks and
people who eat farts for breakfast.
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not to be confused
with some lame brooklyn act,
this super rad chin chin
was a punk band from
zurich that rocked
the early and mid
Try It
noisey, needy and dark.
i will spend the rest
of the day pacing wildly
in my cave; my room.
(always thankful for curtains
and shades.)
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i am shocked that
it took me so long to
post this beautifully
heart wrenching album.
it is one of my favorites.
i am trying to scrap
together the scraps
of my face
and start again
all fresh whatever.
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Robotosaurus is a
fantastic grindcore
band from australia.
and you know it is good
when it is released
on Graf Orlock's
record label.
(this album was.)
and clearly, i have an unprecedented
mastery of grammar.Try ItMyspaceBuy It